OCONTO, WI (WTAQ-WLUK) – Former Lakewood Fire Chief Christopher Thomson pleaded not guilty Thursday to 22 charges for allegedly stealing more than $111,000 from the Lakewood Fire Department Association.
No trial date was set. A plea and sentencing was scheduled for March 3, court records show.
Specifically, Thomson, 42, faces ten counts of identity theft, ten counts of forgery, one count of theft in a business setting, and one count of fraud against a financial institution.
“Thomson admitted to engaging in the above due to financial hardship, attempted to dissuade report of this to law enforcement, and offered to pay back money stolen, demonstrating knowledge the above was forbidden and of Thomson’s intent to engage in the above on his own behalf,” the complaint states. “Thomson has not returned any of the above money as of 11/13/24 as well as has not returned receipts and other documents which would account for his financial activity with association funds.”
According to the criminal complaint, Thomson was the chief of the department, and treasurer of the separate LFDA, which helps support the department. The department placed Thomson on leave in May, and then he subsequently resigned. He resigned from the LFDA in September. A review of the financial records then took place.
The initial review discovered 11 checks cashed by either Thomson or his wife, totaling $6,606.80.
“The memos written on the checks in the respective blanks were completely fictitious and not valid reasons to issue the checks,” the complaint states.
Thomson contacted LFDA officials, telling them “that he “was stupid” and “shouldn’t have done it”. He told them that he took approximately $5000.00 and said that he would “pay it back $500.00 a week.”,” the complaint states.
Thomson then contacted police and said he took about $20,000 from the LFDA and used the money for bills.
“Subsequently, Lakewood Firefighter’s Association Vice President, JEB, specifically reported to me that between 02/17/20 and 09/20/24, Thomson engaged in approximately 231 transactions utilizing that association’s Laona State Bank checking account business checks and account identifying information, which Thomson was in possession of, to convert $111,327.49 of association funds, collected through community donation and fund raising, to his (Thomson’s) own use by transfer of this money to external accounts under the personal control of Thomson or external organizations in which Thomson received personal services from, which were separate from, and not authorized by, the Lakewood Firefighter’s Association,” the complaint states.
For example, investigators found 12 payments for cell phone service and eight vehicle payments using the LFDA’s checking account, totaling $13,058.27.
For another ten transactions, totaling $7,752.64, Thomson allegedly forged the signatures authorizing payment.
“Thomson admitted to writing himself checks in an amount totaling $20,000.00, due to financial hardship, when confronted about such by association board members,” the complaint states. “During the above time and under the above circumstances, Thomson further intentionally falsified entries into the Lakewood Firefighter’s Association annual financial reports for calendar years 2021, 2022 and 2023, in which Thomson over reported accounting balances on these reports in an effort to conceal diversion of funds from association bank account holdings reported on, to external accounts under Thomson’s personal control or external organizations in which Thomson received personal services from, constituting Misconduct in Public Office by False Report.”
The LFDA vice president estimated Thomson took $18,874.96 in 2021, $25,557.09 in 2022, and $39,266.38 in 2023.