Green Bay Area Public School District building. (IMAGE: Courtesy of Fox 11 WLUK)
GREEN BAY, WI (WTAQ-WLUK) — At their meeting Monday night, the Green Bay Area Public School District’s Board of Education approved a new strategic plan laying out the district’s priorities and goals for the next five years.
It also approved a land swap agreement with the city of Green Bay and the continuation of the district’s current mission statement, as well as a vision statement.
The following is an explanation of the approved priorities and goals:
Academic Excellence
The continuous pursuit of acquiring knowledge and skills, where students demonstrate intellectual growth and achieve their highest potential in their learning endeavors.
- ELA performance (grades 3-11) will meet or exceed the annual State average as measured by State assessments
- Math performance (grades 3-11) will meet or exceed the annual State average as measured by State assessments
- The district average ACT composite score will be 20 or higher
- The district graduation rate will be 90% or higher
- The percentage of students earning a dual-credit or AP credit will be 73% or higher with a reduction in our greatest disproportionality by at least 50% from a 2024 baseline
- At least 45% of our students will earn an Industry Credential upon graduation
Thriving Student Body
One in which all students are able to achieve academically, develop relationships with others and their community, and grow their sense of self.
- Increase student favorable perceptions in the area of ‘social and emotional’ wellness as determined by Panorama survey baseline established in Spring 2025
- Increase student favorable perceptions in the areas of ‘sense of belonging’ by 25 percentage points for elementary students and by 35 percentage points for secondary students as determined by Panorama survey
- Increase student favorable perceptions in the areas of “student-teacher relationships” by 10 percentage points for elementary students and by 32 percentage points for secondary students’ as determined by Panorama survey
- Participation in clubs, teams and activities will increase by at least 8.5% points for middle school and high school students
Student attendance will meet or exceed state average for percent of students persistently present - At least 12% of students will graduate with proficiency in multiple languages
- 100% of secondary students will have a customized success plan that includes an academic plan with preliminary career identification and personal pursuits
Thriving Workforce
One where all employees are authentically engaged, have the ability to grow professionally, are embraced for their unique talents and gifts, and are passionately committed to student success.
- 90% or more of staff will be persistently present on student contact days
- Average years of experience within the district will increase by 10% across all workgroups
- 100% of full-time staff working the full school year will participate in relevant professional learning aligned to district priorities
- 95% or more of staff will be injury or accident-free during the school year
- The percentage of staff earning another degree, license, certification or credential will increase annually as determined by baseline established in 2025
Family & Community Engagement
Requires intentional partnership among families, district staff, and community partners to advance children’s learning and development, from birth through school and beyond
- 100% of district schools will have a Family/Parent Engagement component in their School Success Plan, actively monitored with data
- Increase in favorable responses from families regarding engagement as determined by baseline established in 2025
- 100% of district schools will have a Community Partnership component in their School Success Plan, actively monitored with data
- Increase in favorable responses from community partners regarding school and/or district collaboration as determined by baseline established in 2025
Land swap agreement
As part of the property exchange with the city of Green Bay, GBAPS acquired land around Beaumont, Chappell, Fort Howard, Nicolet and Sullivan elementary schools, as well as Jefferson Head Start Learning Center.
GBAPS will deed 1.26 acres near Keller Elementary and the MacArthur Elementary property and pay for the demolition of the school building. The cost was included in the November 2024 referendum.
The district will also provide the city 9 months of exclusive negotiating rights for the development of the Tank and Elmore elementary properties. That plan will begin after the conclusion of Elmore’s 2025-26 school year. The district will have the final say over the sale of both properties.
Mission and vision statements
The Board of Education approved to continue with the district’s current mission statement:
The Mission of the Green Bay Area Public School District is to educate all students to be college, career and community ready, inspired to succeed in our diverse world.
It also approved this vision statement:
Green Bay Area Public School District graduates will be academic achievers, communicators and connectors, architects of their own success, leaders and teammates, empowered to navigate their own life’s journey.
The vision is communicated through the Portrait of a Graduate, which is a collective vision of the skills, traits and characteristics each student should obtain prior to graduation.