I got to take a visit to the Ebert Farms and Salmon’s Meat Products this week, and I saw a roast that I rarely see: the Picanha Roast. Most people will slice it into steaks and grill them, but I decided to try something different. As most of you who cook beef know, lean cuts are best cooked to “steak” temps. So, I thought that I’d try my take on beef au jus sandwiches.
Here’s what you’ll need:
- A picanha roast
- Your favorite beef rub
- hard rolls
- beef au jus concentrate
The picanha roast, sometimes called a Top Sirloin, is a very lean cut of beef, with a thick fat cap on top. I am one of those people who say “Fat is Flavor” but this is not that kind of fat, plus there is layer of silverskin between the fat and the beef, so I took it off. Once I got the knife under the fat cap, it came off very easily.
Then I applied a great beef rub. Purists will say you just need a 50/50 ratio of salt and pepper. I often use a Salt-Pepper-Garlic basic rub. This time around I used The BBQ Superstore Triple 9 Punisher Beef Rub. Use whatever you want.
I set the smoker to 275 degrees, and smoked this on full smoke until it reached medium temp – 145 degrees. Most people cook beef to medium rare, but my wife like it a bit more done. I then wrapped the roast in foil and let it rest for an hour.
I then used my meat slicer to cut very thin slices and served it on hard rolls with beef au jus for dipping. It was delicious! Try cooking this roast.