Bridget Miller appears in court virtually March 14, 2023. PC: Fox 11 Online
CHILTON, WI (WTAQ-WLUK) – Bridget Miller was sentenced Tuesday to 20 years in prison for a drunk driving crash which killed one person and injured two others.
Miller, 59, previously pleaded no contest to three counts, including homicide by intoxicated use of a vehicle, for the March 11, 2023 crash. Test results showed Miller’s BAC was .222. Louis Froehlich, 19, was killed.
In addition to the prison time, Miller was placed on extended supervision for 20 years by Judge Jeffrey Froehlich. She also must pay $300,000 in restitution.
Despite the same last name, Judge Froehlich and the victim are not related.
Before the sentence was issued, Louis Froehlich’s parents, Scott & Amy, addressed the court.
“This has totally emptied our hopes, dreams, and the little we got to experience with our son. Now, every day, the sorrow I feel, it just tears at me. He was my son. My future. And growing into the friend I shared hobbies, projects, and so much laughter,” Amy said, reading a statement from her husband.
The Froehlichs’ statement also criticized Wisconsin’s drunk driving laws, noting it was Miller’s fifth offense.
Isiah Driessen, who was injured in the crash, said he forgave Miller for the crash.
Randy Miller, Bridget’s husband, noted her 18 years of sobriety before the crash. He described the crash as “out of character” for her, and called her “a good person.”
District Attorney Nathan Haberman noted her car was travelling 98 mph just five seconds before the crash, and 62 mph a half-second before impact. He asked for 20 years of initial confinement.
Miller apologized for her actions.
“I had no intention of hurting anyone. I wished it was me that night, and nobody else. But I can’t change that now. All I can do is pray, and talk to God,” Miller said.
The crash happened at Oneida Street and Highway 114. Afterward, police talked to Miller.
“Once Bridget was outside of her truck, she had trouble keeping her balance and would stumble needing to use her truck to keep her from falling over. Bridget would immediately try to argue with the bystanders nearby and continued to shout that it was not her fault and that it was the other driver that pulled out in front of her. Bridget was upset and concerned that her new vehicle she had just purchased was now totaled. Bridget would be verbally abusive to first responders and everyone on scene trying to assist her. Bridget was showing no concern for the individuals in the four-door sedan,” the complaint states.
Later, she told police she was upset due to an argument with her husband and had gone to a friend’s house and had three beers. That friend, however, told police she was not with Miller that day.
Miller’s husband confirmed the argument and said Miller left the house about 6 p.m. — about two hours before the crash — but did not know where she went.
A preliminary breath test revealed a BAC of .193, more than double the usual legal limit of .08. However, due to her four previous drunken driving convictions, Miller’s legal limit was .02, the complaint states. Court records later show the parties agreed her BAC was .222.
Miller told police she stopped for the red light before continuing. “Bridget again blamed the other vehicle for ‘blowing through’ the intersection and then causing the accident,” the complaint says.
A witness not involved in the crash “said they were slowing down for the yellow or red light and saw the driver go through the intersection, not slowing at all and hit a grey vehicle broadside,” according to the complaint.
Security camera video from a nearby business was obtained.
“At the time of the crash, the eastbound and westbound traffic had a green light and the northbound and southbound traffic had a red light. It was clearly shown in the video that the suspect vehicle, the black pickup truck, had blown through the red light and a high rate of speed striking the sedan,” the complaint says.
Miller’s previous convictions for drunken driving were for events on Jan. 30, 1995; Dec. 19, 1995; March 25, 2001; and Dec. 7, 2001.
The criminal complaint notes Miller was identified by her Wisconsin Driver’s License.