Two Sandhill Cranes in a snowy Door County field, March 25, 2024. PC: Fox 11 Online
BAILEYS HARBOR, WI (WTAQ-WLUK) — Some very large migratory birds will be the subject of an upcoming weekend conference in Door County.
The 2nd annual crane symposium is next month, at The Ridges Sanctuary in Baileys Harbor.
“Cranes are majestic birds. You don’t need to be a bird watcher to appreciate the sound of a Sandhill Crane standing in a field, or in a wetland, ” said Dan Scheiman, The Ridges Sanctuary Visitor Engagement Specialist.
With the signature red marking near its eye, and its towering stature, some Sandhill Cranes are gathering in Door County.
“They’re big birds, and they need large acreage to support themselves,” said Scheiman.
The Sandhills are the subject of an upcoming symposium at The Ridges Sanctuary in Baileys Harbor. Research Director Tony Kiszonas says the event includes a presentation on the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, and some citizen science too.
“On Saturday morning, bright and early, 5:30-7:30, we participate in the Midwest Crane Count. That’s sponsored by the International Crane Foundation, down in Baraboo. And we’ll have a number of counters out, at probably just about 50 different sites,” said Tony Kiszonas, The Ridges Sanctuary Research Director.
Kiszonas says there will be guided hikes to possible crane nesting habitat.
“And then following that, we’ll have a photographer coming in on Saturday afternoon, to talk about different aspects of photography, with a focus on wildlife photography,” he said.
Back in the field, Dan Scheiman says spring migration continues.
“They’re fairly on-time for coming back to Wisconsin. And they’re fairly adaptable. So they can move north and south as weather conditions change. They can put off nesting a little bit, if it’s going to be still too cold and snowy. So, not too worried about what’s going to happen to them, this season,” he said.
The Ridges Sanctuary Crane Symposium runs April 12-14.