GREEN BAY, WI (WTAQ-WLUK) — Cargo continues to move through the Port of Green Bay at rates ahead of last year’s.
Port officials say 256,395 tons of cargo moved through the port in July. The year-to-date total of 924,778 tons was 13% ahead of the 2022 total through the end of July.
“We’re very happy to have had five strong months to start this year’s shipping season,” port director Dean Haen said in a news release. “Because port activity is indicative of the economic health of northeast Wisconsin’s economy, it’s always good to see strong totals over a sustained period of time. While we don’t know what the remainder of the season will bring, we’re optimistic.”
July imports included 133,534 tons of limestone, 44,710 tons of cement, 39,360 tons of petroleum products, 14,345 tons of wood pulp/forest products, 6,360 tons of slag and 5,104 tons of liquid asphalt.
The port saw 4,992 tons of petroleum products exported in July.
Twenty-three ships moved through the port in July, two more than in July 2022.