OSHKOSH, WI (WTAQ) – Wisconsin lawmakers are beginning to release statements regarding the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha County.
Governor Tony Evers released this statement:
“No verdict will be able to bring back the lives of Anthony Huber and Joseph Rosenbaum, or heal Gaige Grosskreutz’s injuries, just as no verdict can heal the wounds or trauma experienced by Jacob Blake and his family. No ruling today changes our reality in Wisconsin that we have work to do toward equity, accountability, and justice that communities across our state are demanding and deserve.
“Kenoshans are strong, resilient, and have spent the last year working every day together toward healing. This case and the resulting national spotlight on the Kenosha community and our state have undoubtedly reopened wounds that have not yet fully healed. I echo the calls of local Kenosha community leaders and join them in asking everyone who might choose to assemble and exercise their First Amendment rights in any community to please only do so safely and peacefully. We must have peace in Kenosha and our communities, and any efforts or actions aimed at sowing division are unwelcome in our state as they will only hinder that healing.
“I’ve seen the pain and the frustration of so many, and we must remain steadfast in our commitment to ending violence in our communities, supporting victims and survivors as they heal from trauma, and rooting out the disparities that are so often inextricably linked to that violence and trauma. We must be unwavering in our promise to build a state where every kid, person, and family can live their life free of violence and have every chance to be successful.
“We must move forward, together, more united and more motivated to build the sort of future we want for our state—one that is just, one that is equitable, and one where every person has the resources and opportunity to thrive—and I will not stop working to achieve that vision.”
The enabling and empowerment of vigilantism, plus the sheer effort to defend the taking of life, is not something we should ever be comfortable with.
The first day of the trial may as well have come with a spoiler alert. The whole saga felt as it were directed from the bench.
— Mandela Barnes (@TheOtherMandela) November 19, 2021
The tragic events that took place in Kenosha were unnecessary and avoidable. Lives were lost and businesses and livelihoods were destroyed while Tony Evers sat on the sidelines choosing lawlessness over law enforcement.
— Rebecca Kleefisch (@RebeccaforReal) November 19, 2021
Democrat State Assembly Minority Leader, Representative Gordon Hintz of Oshkosh:
My thoughts are with the loved ones of Anthony Huber and JoJo Rosenbaum, who were killed by Kyle Rittenhouse on August 25, 2020. Both men should still be alive today.
I urge all Wisconsinites to support continued healing for the people of Kenosha and to reimagine what true justice and safety look like in Wisconsin. Let us all work to transform this painful moment into a turning point in ensuring accountability in public safety, addressing systemic racism in our state, and prioritizing true justice and healing in Wisconsin.
“This ruling is a green light for these types of people to instigate violence, only to use violence to escape accountability.
Meanwhile, Republican Senator Ron Johnson released a one-line email:
I believe justice has been served in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial. I hope everyone can accept the verdict, remain peaceful, and let the community of Kenosha heal and rebuild.
A system that legitimizes vigilante murder is deeply broken.
— Rep. Gwen Moore (@RepGwenMoore) November 19, 2021
This situation represents an outrageous failure to protect protesters by the Kenosha Police Department and Kenosha County Sheriff’s Office.
— ACLU of Wisconsin (@ACLUofWisconsin) November 19, 2021
It is outrageous that there will be no justice and no accountability for the deaths of Anthony Huber and Joseph Rosenbaum, or for the shooting of Gaige Grosskreutz. 1/
— Sarah Godlewski (@SarahforWI) November 19, 2021
My full statement on today’s “not guilty” verdict in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse:https://t.co/6tLY2OfJac pic.twitter.com/Zif8Gk2aLC
— Senator Chris Larson (@SenChrisLarson) November 19, 2021
Yet again, we’ve seen our criminal justice system fail the people it was supposed to protect. Kyle Rittenhouse crossed state lines with an intent to cause trouble. As a result of that, two families will never see their loved ones again. 1/2
— Alex Lasry (@AlexLasryWI) November 19, 2021
I am disgusted by the conduct during and outcome of the Rittenhouse trial.
There are two justice systems in this country— one for white men and one for black men. White men with guns go free and black men minding their own business wind up dead.
May Kenosha stay safe.
— Rep. Lee Snodgrass (@RepSnodgrass) November 19, 2021
The fix seemed in from the beginning, given the judge’s blatant and inappropriate bias for the defense. Even if ppl buy that throwing a plastic bag requires “self defense” with an AR-15, Rittenhouse broke multiple other laws and should have served years in prison.
— Kelda Roys
(@keldahelenroys) November 19, 2021
My statement on the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict pic.twitter.com/U8lJ90aaUg
— Tom Nelson (@NelsonforWI) November 19, 2021
.@CavalierJohnson – Statement on the Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Verdict. pic.twitter.com/bQr73sCmHD
— MKE Common Council (@MKE_CC) November 19, 2021
This story will be updated as more reactions come in.